Electrical Supervisor

Main Responsibilities

To Guide the execution of component engineering activities to increase reliability and performance, reduce operating and maintenance costs, and maintain compliance with plant design basis and regulatory requirements. Provide high technical expertise and provide guidance during the identification, investigation, and resolution of off normal equipment conditions to ensure safe plant operations and preserve equipment design margins. Provide guidance to the monitoring, trending, and assessment of component performance using predictive maintenance technologies in improve equipment reliability. Participate in on-line work week meetings as required to provide input to component maintenance requirements and priorities. Provide highly experienced technical support and guidance during complex troubleshooting activities to facilitate successful completion. Control and guide support to long-term asset management strategies, initiation of design changes, review of failure analyses, and performance of causal evaluations to improve plant operations. Control and guide support in developing major equipment maintenance windows to assist shutdown Management. Manage the preventative maintenance basis for components and optimize the program based on as-found conditions to make best use of the company's resources and promote plant reliability. Lead and guide the analysis to determine whether components meet or exceed all regulatory requirements and achieve/approach industry best practices to enhance plant reliability. Lead the response, or respond to management inquiries, to key stakeholders, to audits, and to reviews so that communication can be accurate and timely. Provide appropriate prioritization to work backlog to ensure optimization of maintenance resources in component work and report results to the component engineering management. Assess, update, and maintain component health plans to drive component health and improvements effectively. Lead the implementation of, or implement, equipment reliability initiatives including motivating the correct behaviours to promote results-oriented equipment reliability and to support plant shutdown. Validate updates to the equipment master database (creation/modification/deletion of equipment master information) to ensure its accuracy and usefulness including: Review of documents prepared by the maintenance team or the system engineering team. Register equipment master in Operating Management System (OMS). Provide notification to the maintenance team of the results of equipment master changes. Conduct periodic adequacy checks of station equipment master and issue of notification of improper operation for inadequate items. Review of station equipment master and changes in function location at least once every quarter. Control and provide guidance to the implementation of final investment decision (FID) process to facilitate obtaining new equipment, through: Preparation of requests deciding functional significance from the system engineering team. Revision of significance determination prepared by system engineering. Preparation and revision of submittals to Plant Health Committee (PHC) for equipment which received critical FID A/B testing phases in significance after evaluation to gain approval. Control and provide guidance to inspection and evaluation of assigned components etc. during shutdown to identify condition and issues. Provide oversight on maintenance activities performed by contractors, when necessary, to ensure proper use of appropriate procedures. Prepare for World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) pre-start up peer reviews.to ensure effective communication. Provide input to procedure revisions to ensure accurate and up-to-date instructions for operations, maintenance, and engineering personnel. Engineering Rapid Response (for positions in the Rapid Response section). Lead complex troubleshooting requests from Maintenance (MNT), Operations (OPS) or other Engineering (ENG) departments to find and fix complex problems with systems or components. Lead engineering evaluations in support of OPS or MNT requirements to provide information in a short timeframe. Conduct engineering evaluations, operability determinations or ODMIs to ensure that requirements can be met in a timely and effective manner. Lead the development of complex temporary modifications to meet short-term needs and to enable the Design Department to focus on scheduled work
Post date: 13 January 2025
Publisher: LinkedIn
Post date: 13 January 2025
Publisher: LinkedIn